C is a uniquely portable system programming language. Learn more at https://www.c-language.org/
Clang is a C language family frontend for LLVM. Learn more at https://clang.llvm.org/
The GNU C Compiler is one of the most widely used C compilers. Learn more at https://gcc.gnu.org/
Visual Studio
Visual Studio is a proprietary C & C++ compiler for Windows. Learn more at https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/features/cplusplus/
The C header for the libriscv C API can be found at https://github.com/libriscv/libriscv/blob/master/c/libriscv.h
VM Calls
In the C API each argument register has to be populated manually, and the return value(s) have to be read as well.
A general rule for passing data to a function is that:
- Each integer goes into the next free integer register
- Each pointer goes into the next free integer register
LIBRISCV_ARG_REGISTER(regs, 1) = true;
LIBRISCV_ARG_REGISTER(regs, 2) = libriscv_stack_push(machine, regs, mystruct, sizeof(mystruct));
LIBRISCV_ARG_REGISTER(regs, 3) = libriscv_address_of(machine, "my_function");
A function address is also a pointer, which goes into the integer register file.
- Each float goes into the next free float register of that type
LIBRISCV_FP32_ARG_REG(regs, 0) = 1.0f;
LIBRISCV_FP32_ARG_REG(regs, 1) = 2.0f;
LIBRISCV_FP64_ARG_REG(regs, 2) = 3.0;
LIBRISCV_FP64_ARG_REG(regs, 3) = 4.0;
32- and 64-bit floating point values use the same register file.
VM call example
Guest Function:
long my_function(
const char* arg1,
const bool arg2,
const struct my_struct* arg3,
size_t arg4,
float arg5
Input values:
const char* mystring = "";
const bool mybool = true;
const struct mystruct s;
const size_t mysize = 4;
const float myfloat = 5.0f;
C Host:
/* We start by setting up the call, providing the address of the function */
libriscv_setup_vmcall(machine, guest_function_address);
* We push structs on the stack, and get a guest pointer in return.
* Guest pointers go into integer registers along with other integers
LIBRISCV_ARG_REGISTER(regs, 0) = libriscv_stack_push(machine, regs, ...);
LIBRISCV_ARG_REGISTER(regs, 1) = true;
LIBRISCV_ARG_REGISTER(regs, 2) = libriscv_stack_push(machine, regs, ...);
/* Floating point values go into their own registers */
LIBRISCV_FP32_ARG_REG(regs, 0) = 5.0f;
/* Running the VM will now execute the function with the above arguments as input */
if (libriscv_run(machine, ~0)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Ooops! Function call failed!\n");
/* Integer return values are in A0. */
long result = LIBRISCV_ARG_REGISTER(regs, 0);
printf("The function returned: %ld\n", result);
Advanced example