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C++ API Reference

The current C++ API is likely to change over time. Feel free to contribute improvements to the API.


/// @brief Print a message to the console.
/// @param ...vars A list of Variants to print.
template <typename... Args>
inline void print(Args &&...vars);

/// @brief Get the current scene tree.
/// @return The root node of the scene tree.
inline Object get_tree();

/// @brief Check if the given Node is a part of the current scene tree. Not an instance of another scene.
/// @param node The Node to check.
/// @return True if the Node is a part of the current scene tree, false otherwise.
inline bool is_part_of_tree(Node node);

/// @brief Get a node by its path. By default, this returns the current node.
/// @param path The path to the node.
/// @return The node at the given path.
inline Node get_node(std::string_view path = ".");

/// @brief A macro to define a static function that returns a custom state object
/// tied to a Node object. For shared sandbox instances, this is the simplest way
/// to store per-node-instance state.
/// @param State The type of the state object.
/// @note There is currently no way to clear the state objects, so be careful
/// with memory usage.
/// @example
/// struct SlimeState {
/// int direction = 1;
/// };
/// PER_OBJECT(SlimeState);
/// // Then use it like this:
/// auto& state = GetSlimeState(slime);
#define PER_OBJECT(State) \
static State &Get ## State(const Node &node) { \
static std::unordered_map<uint64_t, State> state; \
return state[node.address()]; \

/// @brief A property struct that must be instantiated in the global scope.
/// @note This is used to define custom properties for the Sandbox class.
/// On program load, the properties are automatically exposed on the script instance.
/// @example
/// .name = "my_property",
/// .type = Variant::Type::INT,
/// .getter = []() -> Variant { return 42; },
/// .setter = [](Variant value) { print("Set to: ", value); },
/// .default_value = Variant{42},
/// });
struct Property {
using getter_t = Variant (*)();
using setter_t = Variant (*)(Variant);

const char * const name = 0;
const unsigned size = sizeof(Property);
const Variant::Type type;
const getter_t getter;
const setter_t setter;
const Variant default_value;
#define SANDBOXED_PROPERTIES(num, ...) \
extern "C" const Property properties[num+1] { __VA_ARGS__, {0} };

/// @brief Stop execution of the program.
/// @note This function may return if the program is resumed. However, no such
/// functionality is currently implemented.
inline void halt();

/// @brief Check if the program is running in the Godot editor.
/// @return True if running in the editor, false otherwise.
inline bool is_editor();

struct Engine {
/// @brief Check if the program is running in the Godot editor.
/// @return True if running in the editor, false otherwise.
static bool is_editor_hint();

/// @brief Get the singleton instance of the Engine.
/// @return The Engine singleton.
static Object get_singleton();

/// @brief The class database for instantiating Godot objects.
struct ClassDB {
/// @brief Instantiate a new object of the given class.
/// @param class_name The name of the class to instantiate.
/// @param name The name of the object, if it's a Node. Otherwise, this is ignored.
/// @return The new object.
static Object instantiate(std::string_view class_name, std::string_view name = "");


struct Variant {
Variant() = default;
Variant(const Variant &other);
Variant(Variant &&other);

// Constructor for common types
template <typename T>
Variant(T value);

Variant(const Array&);
Variant(const Dictionary&);
Variant(const Object&);
Variant(const Node&);
Variant(const Node2D&);
Variant(const Node3D&);

// Constructor specifically the STRING_NAME type
static Variant string_name(const std::string &name);

// Create a new empty Array
static Variant new_array();
// Create a new Array from a vector of Variants
static Variant from_array(const std::vector<Variant> &array);

// Empty Dictionary constructor
static Variant new_dictionary();

operator bool() const;
operator int64_t() const;
operator int32_t() const;
operator int16_t() const;
operator int8_t() const;
operator uint64_t() const;
operator uint32_t() const;
operator uint16_t() const;
operator uint8_t() const;
operator double() const;
operator float() const;
operator std::string() const; // String for STRING and PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY
operator std::u32string() const; // u32string for STRING, STRING_NAME
operator String() const;

Object as_object() const;
Node as_node() const;
Node2D as_node2d() const;
Node3D as_node3d() const;
Array as_array() const;
Dictionary as_dictionary() const;
String as_string() const;
std::string as_std_string() const;
std::u32string as_std_u32string() const;
std::vector<uint8_t> as_byte_array() const;
std::vector<float> as_float32_array() const;
std::vector<double> as_float64_array() const;
std::vector<int32_t> as_int32_array() const;
std::vector<int64_t> as_int64_array() const;
std::vector<Vector2> as_vector2_array() const;
std::vector<Vector3> as_vector3_array() const;

const Vector2& v2() const;
Vector2& v2();
const Vector2i& v2i() const;
Vector2i& v2i();
const Vector3& v3() const;
Vector3& v3();
const Vector3i& v3i() const;
Vector3i& v3i();
const Vector4& v4() const;
Vector4& v4();
const Vector4i& v4i() const;
Vector4i& v4i();
const Rect2& r2() const;
Rect2& r2();
const Rect2i& r2i() const;
Rect2i& r2i();

operator Vector2() const { return v2(); }
operator Vector2i() const { return v2i(); }
operator Vector3() const { return v3(); }
operator Vector3i() const { return v3i(); }
operator Vector4() const { return v4(); }
operator Vector4i() const { return v4i(); }
operator Rect2() const { return r2(); }
operator Rect2i() const { return r2i(); }

void callp(const std::string &method, const Variant *args, int argcount, Variant &r_ret, int &r_error);

template <typename... Args>
Variant method_call(const std::string &method, Args... args);

template <typename... Args>
Variant call(Args... args);

static void evaluate(const Operator &op, const Variant &a, const Variant &b, Variant &r_ret, bool &r_valid);

Variant &operator=(const Variant &other);
Variant &operator=(Variant &&other);
bool operator==(const Variant &other) const;
bool operator!=(const Variant &other) const;
bool operator<(const Variant &other) const;

Type get_type() const noexcept { return m_type; }


struct Array {
constexpr Array();
Array(unsigned size);
Array(const std::vector<Variant> &values);
static Array Create(unsigned size = 0);

operator Variant() const;

// Array operations
void push_back(const Variant &value);
void push_front(const Variant &value);
void pop_at(int idx);
void pop_back();
void pop_front();
void insert(int idx, const Variant &value);
void erase(int idx);
void resize(int size);
void clear();
void sort();

// Array access
Variant operator[](int idx) const;
Variant at(int idx) const;

// Array size
int size() const;

auto begin();
auto end();
auto rbegin();
auto rend();


struct Dictionary {
constexpr Dictionary();
static Dictionary Create();

operator Variant() const;

void clear();
void erase(const Variant &key);
bool has(const Variant &key) const;
void merge(const Dictionary &other);
bool is_empty() const;
int size() const;

Variant get(const Variant &key) const;
void set(const Variant &key, const Variant &value);

DictAccessor operator[](const Variant &key);


* @brief String wrapper for Godot String.
* Implemented by referencing and mutating a host-side String Variant.
struct String {
constexpr String();
String(std::string_view value);
template <size_t N>
String(const char (&value)[N]);

String &operator =(std::string_view value);

// String operations
void append(const String &value);
void append(std::string_view value);
void erase(int idx, int count = 1);
void insert(int idx, const String &value);
int find(const String &value) const;
bool contains(std::string_view value);
bool empty() const;

String &operator +=(const String &value);
String &operator +=(std::string_view value);

// String access
String operator[](int idx) const;
String at(int idx) const;

operator std::string() const;
operator std::u32string() const;
std::string utf8() const;
std::u32string utf32() const;

// String size
int size() const;


struct Object {
/// @brief Construct an Object object from an allowed global object.
Object(const std::string &name);

/// @brief Construct an Object object from an existing in-scope Object object.
/// @param addr The address of the Object object.
Object(uint64_t addr) : m_address{addr} {}

// Call a method on the node.
// @param method The method to call.
// @param deferred If true, the method will be called next frame.
// @param args The arguments to pass to the method.
// @return The return value of the method.
Variant callv(const std::string &method, bool deferred, const Variant *argv, unsigned argc);

template <typename... Args>
Variant call(const std::string &method, Args... args);

template <typename... Args>
Variant operator () (const std::string &method, Args... args);

template <typename... Args>
Variant call_deferred(const std::string &method, Args... args);

/// @brief Get a list of methods available on the object.
/// @return A list of method names.
std::vector<std::string> get_method_list() const;

// Get a property of the node.
// @param name The name of the property.
// @return The value of the property.
Variant get(const std::string &name) const;

// Set a property of the node.
// @param name The name of the property.
// @param value The value to set the property to.
void set(const std::string &name, const Variant &value);

// Get a list of properties available on the object.
// @return A list of property names.
std::vector<std::string> get_property_list() const;

// Connect a signal to a method on another object.
// @param signal The signal to connect.
// @param target The object to connect to.
// @param method The method to call when the signal is emitted.
void connect(Object target, const std::string &signal, const std::string &method);
void connect(const std::string &signal, const std::string &method);

// Disconnect a signal from a method on another object.
// @param signal The signal to disconnect.
// @param target The object to disconnect from.
// @param method The method to disconnect.
void disconnect(Object target, const std::string &signal, const std::string &method);
void disconnect(const std::string &signal, const std::string &method);

// Get a list of signals available on the object.
// @return A list of signal names.
std::vector<std::string> get_signal_list() const;

// Get the object identifier.
uint64_t address() const { return m_address; }

// Check if the node is valid.
bool is_valid() const { return m_address != 0; }


struct Node : public Object {
/// @brief Construct a Node object from an existing in-scope Node object.
/// @param addr The address of the Node object.
Node(uint64_t addr) : Object{addr} {}

/// @brief Construct a Node object from a path.
/// @param path The path to the Node object.
Node(const std::string& path);

/// @brief Get the name of the node.
/// @return The name of the node.
std::string get_name() const;

/// @brief Get the path of the node, relative to the root node.
/// @return The path of the node.
std::string get_path() const;

/// @brief Get the parent of the node.
/// @return The parent node.
Node get_parent() const;

/// @brief Get the Node object at the given path, relative to this node.
/// @param path The path to the Node object.
/// @return The Node object.
Node get_node(const std::string &path) const;

/// @brief Get the number of children of the node.
/// @return The number of children.
unsigned get_child_count() const;

/// @brief Get the child of the node at the given index.
/// @param index The index of the child.
/// @return The child node.
Node get_child(unsigned index) const;

/// @brief Add a child to the node.
/// @param child The child node to add.
/// @param deferred If true, the child will be added next frame.
void add_child(const Node &child, bool deferred = false);

/// @brief Add a sibling to the node.
/// @param sibling The sibling node to add.
/// @param deferred If true, the sibling will be added next frame.
void add_sibling(const Node &sibling, bool deferred = false);

/// @brief Move a child of the node to a new index.
/// @param child The child node to move.
/// @param index The new index of the child.
void move_child(const Node &child, unsigned index);

/// @brief Remove a child from the node. The child is *not* freed.
/// @param child The child node to remove.
/// @param deferred If true, the child will be removed next frame.
void remove_child(const Node &child, bool deferred = false);

/// @brief Get a list of children of the node.
/// @return A list of children nodes.
std::vector<Node> get_children() const;

/// @brief Remove this node from its parent, freeing it.
/// @note This is a potentially deferred operation.
void queue_free();

/// @brief Duplicate the node.
/// @return A new Node object with the same properties and children.
Node duplicate() const;


struct Node2D : public Node {
/// @brief Construct a Node2D object from an existing in-scope Node object.
/// @param addr The address of the Node2D object.
Node2D(uint64_t addr) : Node(addr) {}

/// @brief Construct a Node2D object from a path.
/// @param path The path to the Node2D object.
Node2D(const std::string& path) : Node(path) {}

/// @brief Get the position of the node.
/// @return The position of the node.
Vector2 get_position() const;
/// @brief Set the position of the node.
/// @param value The new position of the node.
void set_position(const Variant &value);

/// @brief Get the rotation of the node.
/// @return The rotation of the node.
float get_rotation() const;
/// @brief Set the rotation of the node.
/// @param value The new rotation of the node.
void set_rotation(const Variant &value);

/// @brief Get the scale of the node.
/// @return The scale of the node.
Vector2 get_scale() const;
/// @brief Set the scale of the node.
/// @param value The new scale of the node.
void set_scale(const Variant &value);

/// @brief Get the skew of the node.
/// @return The skew of the node.
float get_skew() const;
/// @brief Set the skew of the node.
/// @param value The new skew of the node.
void set_skew(const Variant &value);

/// @brief Duplicate the node.
/// @return A new Node2D object with the same properties and children.
Node2D duplicate() const;


struct Node3D : public Node {
/// @brief Construct a Node3D object from an existing in-scope Node object.
/// @param addr The address of the Node3D object.
Node3D(uint64_t addr) : Node(addr) {}

/// @brief Construct a Node3D object from a path.
/// @param path The path to the Node3D object.
Node3D(const std::string& path) : Node(path) {}

/// @brief Get the position of the node.
/// @return The position of the node.
Vector3 get_position() const;
/// @brief Set the position of the node.
/// @param value The new position of the node.
void set_position(const Variant &value);

/// @brief Get the rotation of the node.
/// @return The rotation of the node.
Vector3 get_rotation() const;
/// @brief Set the rotation of the node.
/// @param value The new rotation of the node.
void set_rotation(const Variant &value);

/// @brief Get the scale of the node.
/// @return The scale of the node.
Vector3 get_scale() const;
/// @brief Set the scale of the node.
/// @param value The new scale of the node.
void set_scale(const Variant &value);

/// @brief Duplicate the node.
/// @return A new Node3D object with the same properties and children.
Node3D duplicate() const;


struct Vector2 {
float x;
float y;

float length() const noexcept;
Vector2 normalized() const noexcept;
Vector2 rotated(float angle) const noexcept;
float distance_to(const Vector2& other) const noexcept;
Vector2 direction_to(const Vector2& other) const noexcept;
float dot(const Vector2& other) const noexcept;
static Vector2 from_angle(float angle) noexcept;

Vector2& operator += (const Vector2& other);
Vector2& operator -= (const Vector2& other);
Vector2& operator *= (const Vector2& other);
Vector2& operator /= (const Vector2& other);


struct Vector3 {
float x;
float y;
float z;

// TODO: More to come here

Vector3& operator += (const Vector3& other);
Vector3& operator -= (const Vector3& other);
Vector3& operator *= (const Vector3& other);
Vector3& operator /= (const Vector3& other);